COVID-19 & Media: WHO Regulations and Current Developments
25 January 2021
- Media play a critical role in communicating information that can make the difference between life and death. Media outlets are key public health players, shaping perceptions of risk and informing communities to protect health.

With recent rapid change in epidemiological situation of Belarus, different measures already in place, influenza season approaching, it becomes increasingly important to raise awareness of media on the current situation so that they, in turn, can inform the public.
This online webinar will include several sessions conducted by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the WHO Country Office in Belarus.
The event takes place within the framework of the Solidarity for Health project, which is being implemented with the financial support of the European Union.
The webinar for Belarusian media will be held on January 29, 2021 from 10.00 to 12.30 at ZOOM.
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Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 971 8628 4494
Passcode: 3v*3b#fc
Please confirm your participation in the webinar by January 28 by e-mail or +375 29 606-48-36
How to join a video conference at ZOOM?
The seminar program is here.