IV Summer School on Refugee Law and Statelessness

The Summer School will provide an overview of the main principles of the International standards of legal protection of asylum-seekers and refugees.
Location: Minsk, Belarus (a shift to online format due to the epidemiological situation in the country at the time is possible)
Dates: 23-27 August 2021
Today the issues of forced migration and mass influx of refugees are among the most sensitive ones on the international level. The Summer School will provide an overview of the main principles of the International standards of legal protection of asylum-seekers and refugees, features of the national refugee status determination procedure (hereinafter – RSD) as well as RSD procedure under UNHCR mandate, legal counselling of asylum-seekers and refugees, and etc. The course will be focused on the implementation of the 1951 Convention at the national level, national legal protection system, the loopholes of the legislation and gaps in the integration processes, durable solutions, as well as the role of the clinical legal education for providing legal assistance. Additionally to the aforementioned topic of asylum, the Summer School will cover the issue of reduction and prevention of Statelessness both on the international and national levels.
Through the knowledge of refugee law, that guarantees the appropriate implementation of international norms in national legislation, imposes a demand for practitioners in the relevant field to have professional knowledge and practical skills. In addition, it is undeniable that the study and analysis of the rights and obligations of refugees are an important prerequisite for countries to properly implement their international obligations.
The lectures will be given by the representatives of UNHCR and other UN agencies, as well as national partners
Eligibility requirements:
Law specialties students of Belarusian universities, as well as citizens of Belarus studying abroad who will be physically present in Belarus during the Summer
Working Language: Russian
Application process
Fill in the application form online https://cutt.ly/inQLSth
The number of places is limited.
NB! Applications from participants of previous summer schools will not be considered
Deadline for applications:
11 July 2021
Selected participants will be notified by 31 July 2021
The organizers will cover all expenses related to study materials, meals and accommodation. For participants outside of Minsk they will also cover transportation to/ from Minsk (within Belarus)